Minima Moralia

In the series Minima Moralia, Sala presents a long series of collages made with materials taken from the magazine ARTFORUM. The historical magazine, founded in 1962, maintains a series of contents, but stands out more for the volume of advertising than for the texts and essays.

If, as Adorno says in “Minima Moralia”, “the consciousness of the liquidation of the individual by collectivism in late capitalism is the final revulsive to reach a new individual existence far from slavery and economic law”, his words are more topical than ever. In this time of crisis and transition, this search for a new freedom leads us to travel through a metaphorical and real tunnel or what is the same a desert crossing.

The series of collages of ARTFORUM resort on the one hand to the ability to explain through images the crisis and the current moment and on the other hand, by using only the art magazine, it indicates that the information that appears in the most important art market magazines (a market that seems to be oblivious to such a situation) is also entrenched. It can be positioned with the works of others, making a metaphorical barricade, using the images of gallery propaganda to map out how artists are reflecting what is happening. Or how at least the work of others can be used as an instrument of replication. Advertising appropriations with works by colleagues.