ROOTS AND FRUITS: CULTURAL CONNECTIONS On the theme of Trujillo Biennial, Peru 2024: This space emerges from a thorough conceptual...

EndGame, the fifth edition of WhiteBox's quadrennial Presidential Election Exhibition Series, draws inspiration from Samuel Beckett’s unsettling portrayal of cyclic...

Double readings
Double readings/Identities and fictions Exhibition produced by the Fundación Municipal de Cultura, Educación y Universidad Popular del Ayuntamiento de Gijón/Xixón...

24.10.2024 — 12.01.2025 -Circulo de Bellas Artes Madrid, Sala Minerva- Curator: Santiago Zabala In the 21st century, military occupations, neoliberal...

Jump into the void
Leap into the void. The artist before the abyss of creation Casal Solleric Museum, Palma de Mallorca. Spain This meeting...

Article @ ARTISHOCK by Santiago Zabala
https://artishockrevista.com/2024/09/10/avelino-salas-greatest-emergency/ Avelino Sala has been described as a “politically resistant” and “socially committed” artist who “critiques state power and control.”...

This is the real Thing curator: Adonay Bermudez https://ccemx.org/evento/esto-es-lo-verdadero/ Centro Cultural de España Mexico ...This is what is true...

Art Brussels 2024, ADN gallery
23-28 april, 2024 ADN Galeria participates in Art Brussels 2024 featuring works by Carlos Aires, Julio Anaya Cabanding, Abdelkader Benchamma,...

ARCO 2024
Ifema, Madrid, 6 - 10 March 2024 https://www.ifema.es/arco/madrid ADN Galeria participates in ARCO Madrid 2024 featuring works by María...

Maltabiennale.art 2024/ Spanish Pavilion
Avelino Sala No one is an island curated by Ángel Moya García Villa Portelli, Kalkara Opening 14 March 2024 Until...

In dialogue: Museum and collection. Es Baluard
In dialogue: Museum and Collection Venue: Spaces A and C On 30 January 2024 Es Baluard Museu d'Art Contemporani de...

ROFA projects presents: Olinda Reshinjabe Silvano+ Avelino Sala+ Santiago Vélez Active Resistance invites us to immerse ourselves within an expanded...

150 años Academia España Roma
El talento asturiano que llega desde Roma (Roberto Gonzalez García) Vivir Asturias 20 En 2023 la Real Academia Española de...

Entry in a new Collection 2023
This Neon work sculpture is a new acquisition for the Caceres Museum collection Installed in the city,s Public Library....

A for Anarchy
A for Anarchy @ Augustus hotel, Forte dei Marmi, Lucca, Italy curator: Federica Forti With A for Anarchy Sala formalises...

Nomade Bienal at Pristhine, Kosovo. SUBVERSIVE PARALLELS Could a possible encounter with our recent history be a bridge to a...

Bienal Lanzarote @ ARTNEXUS 2023
[pdfjs-viewer url="https://avelinosala.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/ARTNEXUS.pdf" attachment_id="2892" viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1000px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

The Painted Word
The Foundation vindicates the Artist's Book from a contemporary point of view with an exhibition in Cordoba that brings together...

Nit de LÁrt 2023, Palma de Mallorca, Xavier Fiol gallery
Free Way 2023 @ Son Armadans, XF gallery Martin y Sicilia, Melvin Martinez, Fernando Megías, Cristina de Middel, Santiago Picatoste,...

NOmade Biennial - FLAMING BEAST Art Center Gallery EL, city of Elblag, Poland. Opening 8 September, 18:00 hrs. Curatorship...

Bienal Lanzarote en METROPOLIS
Metrópolis dedica un programa a la XI Bienal de Lanzarote que, bajo el comisariado de Adonay Bermúdez, ha sido concebida...

When the Stones Speak, San Antonio, Texas, curated by Adonay Bermudez
By beginning this curatorial text with the words of Richard Long, we inevitably point to the main characteristics of this...

Avelino Sala@ Ethan Cohen, NY.
A Fine line: Graffiti and the Power of Disent Ethan Cohen Gallery at the KuBe Art Center 211 Fishkill Ave,...

When the sleeper wakes
Palma Art Brunch/press

En estos tiempos de fake news y post-verdad, la ideologización de los discursos y las representaciones artísticas en Occidente han llegado al límite...

Just a perfect day, White Box, NY
Since the dawn of history, entheogens were thought as sacraments by shamans and ingesting them led to communing with deities,...

Dialecto CA2M, Mostoles
Más de 400 obras de 250 artistas en una exposición que instala por primera vez las colecciones del CA2M ocupando todos...

Luttes et Utopies
1971-2021 50 ANS DÁRT ENGAGÉ Musée de Millau et des Grands Causses 03.7.21/31.12.21. Curator: Vincent Noiret

ARCO 2021
ADN Galeria participa en ARCO 2021, 07.07 - 11.07.2021, con obras de María María Acha-Kutscher, Carlos Aires, Abdelkader Benchamma, Alán...