“Every new cultural manifestation rewrites the past, turns the old damned into new heroes and the old heroes into individuals who should never have been born”.
Greil Marcus
Remains of Carmine
A Secret History of the 20th Century
If the technical descriptions of the paintings in museums are always “Oil on canvas” in this case and with a linguistic play on language, in “TRACES/ oil on book” we move on to “Oil on book”.
I have been working for many years with the book as a support, as a sculptural place and pictorial space. As a place for text and communication.
Here books are transformed into canvases, “TRACES/Oil on book” is a space for painting and message. Through the titles of songs that in some way have marked our lives, of groups and bands that are transcendental, this series is presented as a playlist, a track list of a life, or of many lives, a platform that allows us, through art, to observe how time goes by and everything changes, mutates.
When the book loses its real function, when it is stripped of its capacity to transmit information, it passes to another state. That of sculpture, that of an object that transmits through its original function but nevertheless continues to communicate.
By titling the books with songs on themes about our life, for example the road, the passing of time, the journey….working on them with painting in the informalist or expressionist style, a way of remembering a type of art that has always had a political character, as well as minimalism, remembered here by the monochromes, memory as a way of moving between the different universes of the History of Art.
With all this explosive cocktail, the series “TRACES /oil on book” is formed, where the crossroads are more evident than ever. Where the songs resound through these sculptures that drink from the same History of Art and Music.